Van privileges tot republiek : evolutie van de taal van de Opstand : een woordenboek ; From the privileges to the republic : the evolution of the language of the Dutch Revolt : a d...
Komparace uplatňování daně z přidané hodnoty v České republice a v Belgii ; Comparison of Value Added Tax Application in the Czech Republic and in Belgium
Komparace zdaňování příjmů osoby samostatně výdělečně činné v České republice a v Holandsku ; Comparison of Income Taxation of Self-Employed Persons in the Czech Republic and the N...
Slavery and the Dutch economy, 1750–1800
Deux Hollandaises à Trévoux (1788-1797) : voyage d’agrément ou engagement politique ?
COVID-19 and public transport: insights from Belgium (Brussels), Estonia (Tallinn), Germany (Berlin, Dresden, Munich), and Sweden (Stockholm) ...
Literary and Theatrical Circulations in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Burundi, from the Belgian Colonial Empire to the Africa of the Great Lakes
Problems of Indemnity in Polish-Belgian Relations after the Second World War ; Problemy indemnizacyjne w stosunkach polsko-belgijskich po II wojnie światowej ; Проблемы индемнизаци...
Tavern of two oceans: Alcohol, taxes and leases in the seventeenth-century Dutch world
«Governing the World». The Mare Liberum vs. Mare Clausum Polemic in the East Indies (1603-1625) ; «Gobernar el Mundo». La polémica Mare Liberum versus Mare Clausum en las Indias Or...