Acta der provinciale en particuliere synoden : gehouden in de noordelijke Nederlanden gedurende de jaren 1572-1620 /
De plaats der zending onder heidenen en Mohammedanen in den arbeid van de gereformeerde kerken in Nederland.
Bibliographie des martyrologes Protestants Néerlandais /
Hundert Jahre aus der Geschichte der Reformation in den Niederlanden : 1518 - 1619
A manual of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church in North America.
J. Michaëlius, the first minister of the Dutch Reformed Church in the United States : facsimile of his letter, the only extant, written during the first years of the settlement of...
A succinct tract on the history, doctrines and government of the Reformed Protestant Dutch church in North America.
Historical sermon of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Deerpark, (Port Jervis, N.Y.) Delivered at the re-opening of their house of worship
A manual of the Reformed church in America (formerly Reformed Protestant Dutch Church), 1628-1922 /
Stemmen uit de Hollandsch-Gereformeerde Kerk in de Vereenigde Staten van Amerika