A manual of the Reformed Church in America : (formerly Reformed Protestant Dutch Church) 1628-1922
A manual of the Reformed Church in America (formerly Ref. Prot. Dutch church), 1628-1902
The noon prayer meeting of the North Dutch Church, Fulton Street, New York : its origin, character and progress, with some of its results.
Historical sketch of the origin and organization of the Reformed Church in America and of the Collegiate Church of the City of New York
A denominational schism from a behavorial perspective : the 1857 Dutch Reformed separation
The Contribution of the Theological Seminary in New Brunswick to the Church in the West, 1850-1884
History of Western Theological Seminary
William Bertholf : pioneer domine of New Jersey
A history of the Reformed Church, Dutch, The Reformed Church, German, and the Moravian Church in the United States
Every scribe trained for the kingdom