Modeling storm surges in the Belgian coastal area: preliminary work
Analysis of the depoldering of the Hedwige-Prosperpolder with a 2D TELEMAC model (Scheldt estuary, the Netherlands and Belgium)
Modelling Cohesive Sediments in the Scheldt Estuary (Belgium) with SEDI-3D
Evolutie van de kwaliteit van het Scheldewater: aanvullende gegevens tot en met 1989
Waterkwaliteit in de Spuikom
Audit quality and inspection in the Netherlands: The importance of an intellectual approach to experiential learning and practice advancement1
Examining a multi-layered approach for classification of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) quality without Ground Truth
Competition and quality indicators in the health care sector: empirical evidence from the Dutch hospital sector
De fysico-chemische kwaliteit van de oppervlaktewateren in het Vlaamse Gewest in 1990