Small steps, big change. Forging a public-private health insurance system in the Netherlands
If Winning isn't Everything, why do they keep Score? A Structural Empirical Analysis of Dutch Flower Auctions
Financing constraints, fixed capital and R&D investment decisions of belgian firms
Catalogus librorum bibliothecae admodum rev. et amplissimi domini Nicolai Kerpen . : qui publicè vendentur pecuniâ cambiali in domo pastorali die 9. Septembris & seqq. .
Per capita income versus household-need adjusted income: A cross-country comparison
Dutcher House, hotel, Pawling, New York, circa early 1900s
Aux confins de la norme : quelques réflexions sur le statut du droit étranger en droit international privé belge ; Beyond the norm : some thoughts on the status of foreign law befo...
Le nouveau régime des décisions étrangères dans le Code de droit international privé ; Foreign Judgments under the Belgian Code of Private International Law
Une expérience d’histoire locale à l’école primaire : les restes humains du soldat Friedrich (Waterloo, 1815). Note critique
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