How large is the compensating wage differential for R&D workers?
The Belgian competition authority fines the country’s largest yeast producer for resale price maintenance and abuse of dominance (Algist Bruggeman)
Financial based agreements and performance based agreements: the Belgian experience
Evaluation of Asymmetric Effects of Oil Shocks on Economic Growth of Iran (1971-2008)
El bressol de l'educació a Sabadell i Terrassa
Inflation and counter-inflationary policy measures: The case of the Netherlands
Product and labor market imperfections and scale economies: Micro-evidence on France, Japan and the Netherlands
The Belgian Competition Council bans a price-coordination mechanism in the retail bakery markets (VEBIC) ; Le Conseil belge de la concurrence interdit un mécanisme de coordination...
A methological note on real wages during the inter-war years
Parkeringsavgifter : en översikt av parkeringsavgifter i sex europeiska städer ; Parking fees : an overview of parking fees in six European cities