Note monographique sur les spongiaires de Belgique I
From palaeosols to carbonate mounds: facies and environments of the Middle Frasnian platform in Belgium
Sedimentology and magnetic susceptibility of the Couvin Formation (Eifelian, South Western Belgium): Carbonate platform initiation in a hostile world
FIGURE 4. Pachastrella pacoi n in Deep-water sponges (Porifera) from Bonaire and Klein Curaçao, Southern Caribbean
Towards a palaeogeographical and sequential framework for the Givetian of Belgium
Les Monts de Baileux section: detailed sedimentology and magnetic susceptibility of Hanonet, Trois-Fontaines and Terres d'Haurs Formations (Eifelian/Givetian boundary and Lower Giv...
Selected benthic faunas from the Devonian of the Ardennes: an estimation of palaeobiodiversity