Schlussfolgerungen aus den gescheiterten Referenden zum Europäischen Verfassungsvertrag und warum die eigentliche Motivation für die Ablehnung in Frankreich und den Niederlanden ni...
Gender and Strategic Opposition Behavior: Patterns of Parliamentary Oversight in Belgium
The social composition of Dutch political elites: ministers and deputies (1848-1986)
Politicizing immigration in Western Europe
Populists as Chameleons? An Adaptive Learning Approach to the Rise of Populist Politicians
Lonely Hearts, Empty Booths? The Relationship between Loneliness, Reported Voting Behavior and Voting as Civic Duty
It's All Relative: Perceptions of (Comparative) Candidate Incivility and Candidate Sympathy in Three Multiparty Elections
Freiheitsaktionen der Frauenbewegung: die kollektiven Busfahrten zu Schwangerschaftsabbrüchen in die Niederlande (1975-1977) als Form ver-körperten Protests
Responsive to the People? Comparing the European Cognitive Maps of Dutch Political Leaders and their Followers
New political parties through the voters' eyes