Populism and anti-populism in the 2017 Dutch, French, and German elections: A discourse and hegemony analytic approach
Sociologie politique comparée de l'ouverture du mariage civil aux couples de même sexe en Belgique, en France et en Espagne: des spécificités nationales aux convergences transnatio...
Socialisation et consensus européen en Belgique
Living Apart Together? The Organization of Political Parties beyond the Nation-State: The Flemish Case
Statistical and Perceived Diversity and Their Impacts on Neighborhood Social Cohesion in Germany, France and the Netherlands ...
Is Protest Only Negative? Examining the Effect of Emotions and Affective Polarization on Protest Behaviour
Des étiquettes aux idées: influences belges sur la démocratisation postcommuniste en Bulgarie
Liberal Illiberalism? The Reshaping of the Contemporary Populist Radical Right in Northern Europe
Populist Disinformation: Exploring Intersections between Online Populism and Disinformation in the US and the Netherlands
Caretaker Conventions in Crisis Times: Dutch Government‐Opposition Dynamics After the Fall of the Government