Industrial phosphoric acid from Belgium and Israel : determinations of the Commission in investigations nos. 701-TA-285 and 286 (preliminary) under the Tariff Act of 1930, together...
Industrial phosphoric acid from Belgium and Israel : determinations of the Commission in investigation no. 701-TA-286 (final) under the Tariff Act of 1930, together with the inform...
Un conseil de fumure raisonné - le cas du phosphore
Geochemical Study of the Iron Age Settlement Occupational Layer and the Early Roman Time Agricultural Layer at Voorthuizen, The Netherlands
Zusammenhänge zwischen Pflanzenartenzusammen-setzung, Phytodiversität und Bodenvariablen in Nieder-mooren und verwandten Habitattypen Luxemburgs ... : Relationships of plant specie...
Temporal trends in the foliar nutritional status of the French, Walloon and Luxembourg broad-leaved plots of forest monitoring ; Évolution du statut nutritionnel foliaire des place...
Effet des caractéristiques pédologiques et des pratiques agricoles sur la disponibilité du phosphore dans les sols de Wallonie ; Effect of pedological factors and agricultural prac...
A joined venture: two Early Neolithic houses re-interpreted by chemical field tests and archaeobotany (Mosel valley, France/Luxembourg) ; Une entreprise commune : deux maisons du N...
Soils as records of Past and Present. From soil surveys to archaeological sites: research strategies for interpreting soil characteristics.
Soils as records of Past and Present. From soil surveys to archaeological sites: research strategies for interpreting soil characteristics. ...