Memories of Operartion S.A.S. at Arnhem
William John Draycott and HMS Gurkha
Internment in Canada 1940-1942
Ouvrir la ville et la société aux nouveaux défis - la contribution de Paul Eyschen
Presó Model
Ethnic differences in the mother-son relationship of incarcerated and non-incarcerated male adolescents in the Netherlands
Ideias penais e instituições prisionais no contexto republicano: uma análise da Colônia Correcional Agrícola do Bom Destino nas políticas de combate à vadiagem em Minas Gerais (Sab...
Tapol bulletin no, 7, October 1974
Memorabilia belonging to Frederick Burnett
Optimisation de la prise en charge médicale des patients sortant de prison au Luxembourg