Top ten most common words per topic for the CTM where K = 7 with the topic label in last row.
Sorted skills based on manually named topics according to CTM.
Order of most important manually labelled topic terms per university based on posterior values for the CTM.
Geschlechterquoten für Spitzenpositionen der Privatwirtschaft in EU-Ländern: Teils sehr unterschiedlich, aber wirksam
Challenges in completing EMU: asymmetric competition vs fiscal harmonisation. A case study of the Benelux countries
Handbuch Inklusion international.Globale, nationale und lokale Perspektiven auf Inklusive Bildung
Survey questions and answer options.
Mean scores and differences between physicians in a formal leadership position compared to those not in a formal leadership position.
Correlations matrix for relational coordination items with job satisfaction and quality of care.
Minimal anonymized dataset.