Scatterplot of sense of job security and entrepreneurial orientation.
Partial regression plot for ESE and EO.
Partial regression plot for SJS and EO.
Partial regression plot for SJS and EO with hard times in terms of employees.
Variables and measures.
Main results (standardized effect sizes).
Evidence for the mediation paths overview (standardized effect sizes).
Usos do e-learning pela comunidade brasileira na Holanda : em busca do domínio do idioma e integração social
Risk analysis of the round goby, Neogobius melanostomus, risk analysis report of non-native organisms in Belgium
Plastics and sustainable purchase decisions in a circular economy: The case of Dutch food industry ... : البلاستيك وقرارات الشراء المستدامة في الاقتصاد الدائري: حالة صناعة الأغذية...