The Bible, theology and the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa 1920–2020
La ordenación del territorio en Venezuela y su impacto en las comunidades indígenas del Municipio Gran Sabana-Estado Bolívar
Direct and indirect vegetation-environment relationships in the flooding savanna of Venezuela ; Relaciones directas e indirectas entre la vegetación y el ambiente en la sabana inun...
Direct and indirect vegetation-environment relationships in the flooding savanna of Venezuela. ; Relaciones directas e indirectas entre la vegetación y el ambiente en la sabana inu...
Le relazioni artistiche tra la corte di Borgogna e la corte di Napoli all'epoca di Alfonso d'Aragona
Pliocene palaeoclimate of Tegelen (Netherlands) ...
Pliocene palaeoclimate of Tegelen (Netherlands)
A study of community structure and beta diversity of epiphyllous liverwort assemblages in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo ... : دراسة لهيكل المجتمع وتنوع بيتا لتجمعات الكبدية المشاشية في ص...
ABS instructions and items in English, Dutch and Spanish.
Oligocene macroflora of Ebnat-Kappel (Switzerland) ...