The Tricolor oil spill: an incident that should have been prevented
Coördinatie stookolieslachtoffertellingen
The Tricolor oil spill: characteristics of seabirds found oiled in The Netherlands
Stookolieslachtoffers aan de Belgische kust gedurende de winter 1983-1984
The activities of the Sea Alarm Foundation in the aftermath of the Tricolor incident
Data collected related to the experimental oil spill on the Dutch North Sea performed in April 2019
Resultaten stookolieslachtoffer-tellingen langs de Vlaamse kust in de periode januari-april 1992
Massale stranding van vogels aan de Belgische kust: verslag van stookolieslachtoffertellingen tijdens het winterhalfjaar 1998-1999, uitgevoerd door het Instituut voor Natuurbehoud
The Tricolor incident: from collision to environmental disaster
Three colours of black: seabird strandings in Belgium during the Tricolor incident