Sediment characteristics over asymmetrical tidal sand waves in the Dutch north sea
Sediment Characteristics over Asymmetrical Tidal Sand Waves in the Dutch North Sea
The macrobenthic fauna in the Dutch sector of the North Sea in 2000 and a comparison with previous data
Another tongue brought in, to confess the great Saviour of the world. Or, Some communications of Christianity, put into a tongue used among the Iroquois Indians, in America. And, p...
Onderzoek naar (1) de fysische karakterisatie en (2) de biodiversiteit van strandhoofden en andere harde constructies langs de Belgische kust: eindrapport van de onderhandse overee...
Distribution of organic pollutants in biota from the Belgian North Sea and the Scheldt estuary
Reconstructing the environmental conditions in the coastal area of the Southern Bight over the past millennium using Mytilus edulis shells
Studie van de vertikale struktuur van de waterkolom in het Kanaal, voor de Belgische kust en in de Noordzee (Fladen Ground)
Combining offshore wind farms, nature conservation and seafood : Lessons from a Dutch community of practice
Falckner's Curieuse nachricht von Pennsylvania