A Pliocene gray whale (Eschrichtius sp.) from the eastern North Atlantic
The use of ecosystem engineers to underpin ecosystem management: the Lanice conchilega case
Dinoflagellate cysts of the shallow marine Neogene succession in the Kalmthout well, northern Belgium
A protocol for classifying ecologically relevant marine landscapes, a statistical approach
Columbuskrabbetjes, Planes minutus , in onze kustwateren, tweede vondst voor de Noordzee
Belgische Zeevisserijatlas = Atlas des Pêches maritimes Belges, 1970
Report of the Study Group on the History of Fish and Fisheries (SGHIST) 26–29 October 2009, Vlaardingen, The Netherlands
Aspects of dynamic biology in the Southern Bight of the North Sea and the Sluice Dock at Ostend
De verklaring van de rechten van het strand: naar een eerste strand- en zeereservaat?