Two remarkable and true histories, which hapned this present yeare, 1619 The one relating how God most miraculously restored to health Elizabeth Goossens Taets, dwelling in the Lon...
Newes from the low-countreyes. Or The anatomy of Caluinisticall calumnyes, manifested in a dialogue betweene a Brabander, and a Hollander Vpon occasion of a placcart, lately publis...
The Belgick, or, Netherlandish hesperides that is, the management, ordering, and use of the limon and orange trees, fitted to the nature and climate of the Netherlands / by S. Comm...
The besieging of Berghen vppon Zoom by the Prince of Parma in the monethes of September and October last 1588
A true relation of the fleete which went vnder the Admirall Iaquis Le Hermite through the Straights of Magellane towards the coasts of Peru, and the towne of Lima in the West-Indie...
A monstrous shape. Or a shapelesse monster A description of a female creature borne in Holland, compleat in every p[arte] save only a head like a swine, who hath travailed into man...
A certaine relation of the hog-faced gentlewoman called Mistris Tannakin Skinker, who was borne at Wirkham a neuter towne betweene the Emperour and the Hollander, scituate on the r...
Memorie, gedaan maken en aan de Hoog Mog
The religion of the Dutch represented in several letters from a Protestant officer in the French army to a pastor and professor of divinity at Berne in Switserland ; out of the Fre...
Aanmerkingen van een Amsterdamsch patriot of een welmeenend vaderlander, over den beruchte-brief van jonkheer Willem Anna L'Estevenon van Berkenrode : over zeeker ontwerp der Holla...