J.P. Sigmond, Zeemacht in Holland en Zeeland in de zestiende eeuw
Corso y guerra naval en el Golfo de Cádiz durante la Segunda Guerra Anglo-Neerlandesa (1665-1667) ; Privateering and naval warfare in the Gulf of Cádiz during the second Anglo-Dutc...
De nederlandsche scheeps-bouw-konst open gestelt : vertoonende naar wat regel, of evenredenheyd, in Nederland meest alle scheepen werden gebouwd : mitsgaders masten, zeylen, ankers...
The Dutch and English fiscal-naval states: a comparative overview
The Invasion of the Dutch East Indies, compiled by the War History Office of the National Defense College of Japan
A terrible sea-fight related in the copie of letter sent to I.M. councellour, pensioner, and bailiffe to the citie of Batavia : concerning the great fight betweene nine East India...
A guerra naval luso-neerlandesa na Ásia no século xvii e a revolução militar ; Portuguese-Dutch naval war in Asia in the 17th Century and the military revolution
Verzameling der Nederlandsche zee-kunstwoorden en spreekwijzen, overgebragt in het Fransch en Engelsch
A narrative of the mutiny on board his majesty's ship Bounty and the subsequent voyage of part of the crew in the ship's Boat from Tofoa, one of the friendly islands to timor, a du...