تحلیل اقتصادی-سیاسی موانع تأثیرگذاری وفور منابع طبیعی بر رشد اقتصادی
Efectos regionales de la extracción de hidrocarburos en el crecimiento económico: una revisión de la literatura ; Regional effects of hydrocarbon extraction on economic growth: a r...
Data_Sheet_1_Investigating meteorological wet and dry transitions in the Dutch Meuse River basin.PDF
Disminución de precios de commodities en un ambiente de "enfermedad holandesa" y "bendición/maldición de los recursos naturales"
The Natural Resource Boom and the Uneven Fall of the Labor Share
Bemesting, waterhuishouding en intensivering in de landbouw en het natuurlijk milieu
Amino acid data supporting: Compound- specific stable isotope analysis of amino acid nitrogen reveals detrital support of microphytobenthos in the Dutch Wadden Sea benthic food web...
Relevance and limits of the Dutch disease in developing countries : the case of natural resources in Africa ; Pertinence et limites du syndrome hollandais dans les pays en développ...
Remittances and Dutch Disease: A Meta-Analysis
Sand: an (in)finite Resource?: Engineering for Development (E4D) Summer School, 4 - 22 July 2016 at TU Delft, The Netherlands: The programm revolves around the depleting resource s...