“De Nederlander bestaat niet”? Máxima en de nationale identiteit
Las argucias del concepto de integración: una exploración por el paisaje europeo (The Cunning of Integrationist Logic: An Exploration of the European Landscape)
Torn between patriotic, civic and disciplinary aspirations. Evolving faces of Belgian and Flemish history education, from 1830 to the future ; Rozziew pomiędzy aspiracjami patrioty...
Staging the Nation in an Intermediate Space: Cultural Policy in Luxembourg and the State Museums (1918-1974)
Reforma escolar, guerras culturales y consolidación nacional: Uruguay y Bélgica, 1860-1915 ; School reforms, culture wars, and national consolidation: Uruguay and Belgium, 1860s-19...
Flanders Ahead, Wallonia Behind (But Catching up): Reconstructing Communities Through Science, Technology and Innovation Policymaking