1980 aerial photograph 36027-378-52x3
1967 aerial photograph EFC-12HH-20
1959 aerial photograph EFC-4V-39
1942 aerial photograph GS-AE G 135
Instandhoudingsdoelstellingen voor de Europese Vogelrichtlijngebieden (SBZ-V) “2.1 Westkust”, “3.2 Poldercomplex” en “3.3 Het Zwin” en de kandidaat-Europese Habitatgebieden (SBZ-H)...
Replication Data for: "Good mine, bad mine: Natural resource heterogeneity and Dutch disease in Indonesia", Journal of International Economics
Extension of krugman’s comparative advantage model: Blessed fuels and cursed metals
Neutralizing the Dutch disease
Maps of Dutch Settlement, Flatbush and Stony Hollow in the town of Kingston
Resource Booms and the Energy Transition: What Can We Learn from Dutch Economists' Response to the Discovery of Natural Gas Reserves (1959–1977)?