Alien macrocrustaceans in freshwater ecosystems in the eastern part of Flanders (Belgium)
7 Stages presents two one-act plays, "Mud," by Irene Fornes and "The Dutchman," by Amiri Baraka, program for the performances at 7 Stages Theatre, Atlanta, Georgia, March 16-25, 19...
7 Stages Theatre presents two one-act plays, "Mud," by Irene Fornes and "The Dutchman," by Amiri Baraka, press release announcing the performances, Atlanta, Georgia, March 16-25, 1...
Diagenèse des monticules micritiques de la partie supérieure du Frasnien du Synclinorium de Dinant (Belgique, France) ; Diagenesis of Frasnian mudmounds from the Dinant Synclinoriu...
La présence de mud mounds famenniens sur un site en block-faulting, à Baelen (Belgique) ; Occurrences of Famennian mud-mounds in block-faulting depositional conditions, Baelen (Bel...
Voortgangsrapport 31 december 2002, Deelproject 3.17, luchthaven in zee, effectketen Noordzee: verdere ontwikkeling benthos module (BENBOX) t.b.v. integraal model effectketen Noord...
Mid-Famennian cryptalgal-sponge crinoidal mud mounds and oolitic ironstones of the Limbourg-Dolhain area (Verviers Synclinorium, Eastern Belgium): Stop 2. ; Récifs famenniens dans...
The red crinoidal limestone of Baelen (late Upper Devonian), a particular historical building stone with an unusual depositional setting, global geological importance and local use
The red Marble of Baelen. An exceptionnal mid-Famennian mud mound complex in a carbonate ramp setting of Eastern Belgium
Spatio-temporal patterns in benthic macrofauna on a brackish mudflat (Schelde estuary, NW-Europe): results of ten years monitoring