Increase in fluoroquinolone non-susceptibility among clinical Streptococcus pyogenes in Belgium during 2007-10
On intimate relationships between healthcare professionals and patients: a nationwide cohort analysis of medical tribunal decisions in the Netherlands
The impact of health literacy on beliefs about medication in a Dutch medication-using population
Genomic comparison of mecC-carrying methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus from hedgehogs and humans in the Netherlands
First World Championship--Medical Marathon and Conference--Papendal, The Netherlands--16 September 1989
Beknopt overzicht der meest gebruikte genees-middelen in Nederlandsch Oost-Indie.
7/5/06 Dr. Scott Flanders, Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, Medical School. (05/11)
Letter from Holland: Arts and afgekeurd
Health manpower policies under five national health health care systems : insights for the United States from the experience of Australia, Belgium, Canada, Norway, and Poland /
Amplissimo ac prestantissimo viro Raphaelli a Cervera civi honorato, civitatis Barcinone, ac excellentissimi ducis Cessae et Vahenae procuratori generali fidelissimo suus Hieronymu...