The politics of pleasing : a critical analysis of multistakeholderism in public service media policies in Flanders
Representation of fandom in mainstream media : analysis of production and content of Flemish televisions Superfans
Strijd om het klimaat : de beeldvorming over klimaatverandering tijdens de klimaattop te Cancun in Vlaamse kwaliteitskranten ; Climate struggle : news coverage of climate change du...
Peer influence as a predictor of producing and distributing hurtful images of peers and teachers among Flemish adolescents
Factor structure of the Affective Style Questionnaire in Flemish adolescents
Shall I call, text, post it online or just tell it face-to-face? How and why Flemish adolescents choose to share their emotions on- or offline
Separating the sex from the object : conceptualizing sexualization and (sexual) objectification in Flemish preteens popular television programs
"Just for fun?" : an exploration of digital games' potential for eudaimonic media experiences among Flemish adolescents
Virtual athlete or ultimate nerd? A framing analysis of eSports in Flemish printed media
Negotiating platforms and sexual identities : digital and social media use in four generations of Flemish MSM