Sämmtliche Schriften des heiligen Bonifacius : des Apostels der Deutschen /
Sämmtliche Schriften des heiligen Bonifacius : des Apostels der Deutschen /
Triptych of St. John the Baptist: Right panel: Beheading of St. John, detail of Salome
The Representation of Martyrdoms During the Early Counter-Reformation in Antwerp
Ursula and her companions being massacred by the Huns; ; Detail, from the Legend of St Ursula, the Church and the Synagogue Altarpiece;
Zu den Märtyrerbildern Antwerpens im späten 16. Jahrhundert
St. Sebastian Attended by Irene: Detail
St. Sebastian Attended by Irene
Beheading of St. John the Baptist
Heretics and Martyrs: Picturing Early Anabaptism in Visual Culture of the Dutch Republic