Life of Ja's. F. O'Connell, the Pacific adventurer : containing startling passages of adventure and hair-breadth escapes during a residence of eleven years in New-Holland and the C...
A Dutchman no longer knows his own past, the ’tVliegent Hart collection therefore seems to have been hidden in the muZEEum = Een Nederlander kent zijn eigen verleden niet meer, de...
More news from the fleet being a brief and true account of the late noble and heroick exploit, performed against the Dutch, on the 8th, 9th, and 10th of this present month of Augus...
A booke of the arte and maner, howe to plant and graffe all sortes of trees howe to set stones, and sowe pepines to make wylde trees to graffe on, as also remedies and mediicnes [s...
An Experimentall discoverie of Spanish practises, or, The Counsell of a well-wishing souldier, for the good of his prince and state wherein is manifested from known experience, bot...
Larger medal was issued in 1630 to assert the claim of England to the dominion of the sea, as maintained by Selden, and in accordance with instructions given by Charles I, to his m...