Carl Strikwerda. A House Divided: Catholics, Socialists, and Flemish Nationalists in Nineteenth-Century Belgium. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield. 1997. Pp. xv, 454. Cloth $62.5...
PETER SCHRIJVERS. Liberators: The Allies and Belgian Society, 1944-1945. (Studies in the Social and Cultural History of Modern Warfare, number 31.) New York: Cambridge University P...
Rolande Depoortere. La question des reparations allemandes dans la politique etrangere de la Belgique apres la premiere guerre mondiale, 1919-1925. Brussels: Academie Royale. 1997....
SEBASTIEN DUBOIS. La revolution geographique en Belgique: Departementalisation, administration et representations du territoire de la fin du XVIIIe au debut du XIXe siecle. Brussel...
Geert Van den Bossche. Enlightened Innovation and the Ancient Constitution: The Intellectual Justifications of Revolution in Brabant (1787-1790). (Nieuwe reeks, number 4.) Brussels...
GERD-RAINER HORN and EMMANUEL GERARD, editors. Left Catholicism 1943-1955: Catholics and Society in Western Europe at the Point of Liberation. (KADOC-Studies, number 25.) Leuven, B...
CAMILLA RUSSELL. Giulia Gonzaga and the Religious Controversies of Sixteenth-Century Italy. (Late Medieval and Early Modern Studies, number 8.) Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols. 2006. Pp...
JEFF LIPKES. Rehearsals: The German Army in Belgium, August 1914. Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press. 2007. Pp. 815. $56.00
GREGORY HANLON. Human Nature in Rural Tuscany: An Early Modern History. (Italian and Italian American Studies.) New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2007. Pp. xii, 218. $74.95., CECILIA H...
Jan De Vries and Ad Van Der Woude. The First Modern Economy: Success, Failure, and Perseverance of the Dutch Economy, 1500-1815. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1997. Pp. xx,...