Lower and Middle Famennian (Upper Devonian) rugose corals from southern Belgium and northern France
Geological context of the Mesolithic Heid de Fer and Ourlaine sites at Becco (Liège province, Belgium) ; Contexte géologique des sites mésolithiques de la Heid de Fer et de l'Ourla...
Sautour-Surice. Carte géologique de Wallonie à l’échelle 1:25.000. 58/1-2 ; Sautour-Surice. Geological of Wallonia (Belgium) at the scale 1:25.000. 58/1-2
Royseux: a palaeobiodiversity hotspot in the Late Viséan (Carboniferous) of Belgium
Case study 2: Groundwater – surface water interaction in limestone areas of the GWB BE_Meuse_RWM021 (Belgium)
Toxicological investigations on the heavy metals contamination of seabirds and marine mammals beached along the Belgian coast
Potential discrimination of Belgian black marbles using petrography, magnetic susceptibility and geochemistry
Determination of organohalogenated contaminants in liver of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) stranded on the Belgian North Sea coast
Philippeville - Rosée. Carte géologique de Wallonie à l’échelle 1:25.000. 53/5-6. Notice explicative ; Philippeville-Rosée. Geological map of Wallonia at the scale of 1:25.000. 53/...
Hamoir-Ferrières. Carte géologique de Wallonie. 49/1-2 ; Hamoir-Ferrières. Geological map of Wallonia. 49/1-2