Place of death for people with HIV: a population-level comparison of eleven countries across three continents using death certificate data.
Destinos turísticos, comunicación y estrategia digital: un estudio sobre el rol y las prácticas de las oficinas nacionales de turismo en el exterior (ONTE) en la captación de merca...
Sensitivity Netherlands.
Deux genres Rhynchonellides nouveaux d’âge frasnien moyen et supérieur, résultant du brisement de Calvinaria STAINBROOK, 1945
St. Regis Adding New Resorts in Popular Travel Destinations
Reflexe kulturní identity Mexika a Argentiny ve vybraných esejích ; Reflection on the Cultural Identity of Mexico and Argentina in Selected Essays
Where and why can expatriates vote in regional elections? A comparative analysis of regional electoral practices in Europe and North America ; Le droit de vote des émigrés aux élec...
Livestock, the World, and the Dutch : part II: background country studies : final draft for discussion
Livestock, the World, and the Dutch : a quick scan of opportunities in livestock production in nine countries : final draft for discussion
President's Message