Detection of polychlorinated biphenyls and dioxins in Belgian cattle and estimate of the maximal potential exposure in humans through diets of bovine origin
Belgian case study on flumethrin residues in beeswax: Possible impact on honeybee and prediction of the maximum daily intake for consumers
Pilot study on caudal vena cava size and caudal vena cava to aortic ratio at the right paralumbar view in healthy Belgian Blue calves
Epidémiosurveillance des événements rares chez les bovins en Belgique ; Epidemiosurveillance of rare events in Belgian cattle
Evaluation of the adequate timing to administrate an intramuscular prophylactic penicillin G (procaine benzylpenicillin suspension) in Belgian blue cow before the caesarean section...
A non-common case of parietal fibrinous peritonitis in Belgian blue heifer without a history of laparotomy
Belgian blue cattle are more susceptible to tibial fractures compared to other breeds.
The most likely time and place of introduction of BTV8 into belgian ruminants
La maladie de Mortellaro : un défi de plus en race blanc-bleu belge ; Mortellaro's disease: one more challenge in Belgian Blue breed
Comparison of Na-Selenite and selenomethionine oral supplementation on health and selenium status in deficient belgian blue cattle