What does the bird say? Exploring the link between personality and language use in Dutch tweets
Annotation guidelines for labeling English-Dutch cognate pairs (version 1.0)
Distributional and translational solutions to the visualization of semantic differences between translated and non-translated Dutch
STYLENE : an environment for stylometry and readability research for Dutch
A fine-grained error analysis of NMT, PBMT and RBMT output for English-to-Dutch
Stylometric text analysis for Dutch-speaking adolescents with autism spectrum disorder
Annotating topics, stance, argumentativeness and claims in Dutch social media comments : a pilot study
Emotional RobBERT and insensitive BERTje : combining transformers and affect lexica for Dutch emotion detection
Prospects for Dutch emotion detection : insights from the new EmotioNL dataset
Irony detection for Dutch : a venture into the implicit