Der Keuper im Westteil des Zentraleuropäischen Beckens (Deutschland, Niederlande, England, Dänemark)
Sediment-petrological study supporting the presence of the Kasterlee Formation in the Heist-op-den-Berg and Beerzel hills, southern Antwerp Campine, Belgium
Revised Upper Cenozoic stratigraphy of the Dutch sector of the North Sea Basin: towards an integrated lithostratigraphic, seismostratigraphic and allostratigraphic approach
A proposal for an updated and revised stratigraphical framework of the Miocene in the Achterhoek (eastern Netherlands)
Towards an improved lithostratigraphic subdivision of the Chalk Group in the Netherlands North Sea area – A seismic stratigraphic approach
Die Stratigraphie der weichselzeitlichen Ablagerungen der Niederlande und Belgiens
Introduction of the Boxtel Formation and implications for the Quaternary lithostratigraphy of the Netherlands
Disused Palaeozoic regional stages from Belgium : Devillian, Revinian, Salmian, Gedinnian and Burnotian
Field guide to the pre-cleavage deformation and stratigraphy of the Jodoigne area: Cambrian slump deformation and evidence for the Asquempont Detachment System along the N-side of...
The Jurassic of Denmark and Greenland: The Jurassic of the Netherlands