Contrast and Conflict in Dutch Vowels
Eyelit: Eye-movement and reader response data during literary reading
Production of Dutch variable plurals in language corpora
Phonological Contrast and Conflict in Dutch Vowels: Neurobiological and Psycholinguistic Evidence from Children and Adults
Thematische collectie: De Nederlandse Dialectenbank, voorheen Soundbites (vrij gesproken dialect) ...
Dutch Love Emblems - educational website ; Nederlandse Liefdesemblemen
De Nederlandse Dialectenbank, voorheen Soundbites - Transcripties (geanonimiseerd)
Anansi Masters - Aruba H09 - Figaroa-Geerman, Eta - Nanzi's bet with Sésé
Anansi Masters - Curacao G06 - Quast, Laura Lucille - Nanzi and the King's horse
Anansi Masters - Curacao G08 - Lebacs, Diana - How Nanzi lost his Afro hairstyle