Relationship between spatial proximity and travel-to-work distance : the effect of the compact city
Urbanisation et consommation d’espace en Belgique. Tendances régionales récentes
Occupation et consommation de l'espace urbanisé. Quelques observations en Belgique
Cartografia dels usos del sòl del barri del Poblenou, Sabadell
The effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on the relative abundance and conservation of Ludwig’s Bustard Neotis ludwigii in South Africa
Quantifying tropical forest disturbances using canopy structural traits derived from terrestrial laser scanning
Contribution of land use changes to future flood damage along the river Meuse in the Walloon region ; Contribution de l'évolutiond e l'occupation du sol aux dommages d'inondation f...
Publiek draagvlak voor natuur en natuurbeleid
Stocks of C in soils and emissions of CO2 from agricultural soils in the Netherlands
Agenda for the Housing Market