1062 Problematic drinking behaviour among belgian workers: prevalence, health and job related consequences
Alcohol and other drug use among Belgian workers and job-related consequences
What factors determine Belgian general practitioners’ approaches to detecting and managing substance abuse? A qualitative study based on the I-Change Model
What factors determine Belgian general practitioners' approaches to detecting and managing substance abuse? A qualitative study based on the I-Change Model.
What factors determine Belgian general practitioners approaches to detecting and managing substance abuse? A qualitative study based on the I-Change Model
Doping in the gym : use of steroids by Belgian fitness center members
Faster, higher, stronger? Results from a Belgian survey on PED use among gym-goers
EVADRUG : an evaluation of the Belgian Drug Policy : final report
Prevalence and effects of performance enhancing drugs in different groups : lessons for a preventive and curative policy in Belgium (PREVPED)
Prévalence et effets des substances améliorant la performance dans différents groupes : leçons pour une politique préventive et curative en Belgique (PREVPED)