White and Dark Stranger Kings: Kupang in the Early Colonial Era
Do survey indicators let us see the business cycle? A frequency decomposition
En drottning i många skepnader : Framställningen av drottningen av Saba i rollen som den "andre" ; A queen in many guises : The depiction of the Queen of Sheba in the role as “the...
Cantata composed in honor of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales' visit to Canada [electronic resource] : sung by the Montreal Musical Union, at the grand musical festival, August 1860 : co...
Autorité publique et conscience dynastique: études sur les représentations du pouvoir princier entre Muse et Moselle. les origines du comté de Luxembourg (Xe - début XIIe siècles)...
A late voyage to Holland, with brief relations of the transactions at the Hague, also remarks on the manners and customs, nature, and commical humours of the people; their religion...
A copie of the Queens letter from the Hague in Holland to the Kings Maiesty residing at Yorke. Sent from the Hague by one of her Maiesties gentlemen ushers, March 19. 1641.
A true copie of a letter of speciall consequence from Rotetrdam [sic] in Holland subscribed by severall credible hands; and sent to a citizen of good note in London; being very con...
Briefe Napoleon I an seine Gemahlin Josephine und Briefe Josephine's an Napoleon und ihre Tochter, die Königin Hortense /
A remark on the disputes and contentions in this province. By David Marin Ben Jesse, Pastor at Aquenonka. ; [One line of Scripture text]