Masclee, G.M., Penders, J., Jonkers, D.M.A.E., Wolffs, P.F.G., Pierik, M.J.
Veröffentlicht in: Masclee , G M , Penders , J , Jonkers , D M A E , Wolffs , P F G & Pierik , M J 2013 , ' Is clostridium difficile associated with relapse of inflammatory bowel disease? results from a retrospective and prospective cohort study in the Netherlands ' , Inflammatory Bowel Diseases , vol. 19 , no. 10 , pp. 2125-2131 . https://doi.org/10.1097/MIB.0b013e318297d222;
Veröffentlicht in: Masclee , G M , Penders , J , Jonkers , D M A E , Wolffs , P F G & Pierik , M J 2013 , ' Is clostridium difficile associated with relapse of inflammatory bowel disease? results from a retrospective and prospective cohort study in the Netherlands ' , Inflammatory Bowel Diseases , vol. 19 , no. 10 , pp. 2125-2131 . https://doi.org/10.1097/MIB.0b013e318297d222;
Jeuring, S.F.G., Bours, P.H.A., Zeegers, M.P., Ambergen, T.W., van den Heuvel, T.R.A., Romberg-Camps, M.J.L., van Bodegraven, A.A., Oostenburg, L.E., Breukink, S.O., Stassen, L.P.S., Hameeteman, W.H., Masclee, A.A.M., Jonkers, D.M.A.E., Pierik, M.J.
Veröffentlicht in: Jeuring , S F G , Bours , P H A , Zeegers , M P , Ambergen , T W , van den Heuvel , T R A , Romberg-Camps , M J L , van Bodegraven , A A , Oostenburg , L E , Breukink , S O , Stassen , L P S , Hameeteman , W H , Masclee , A A M , Jonkers , D M A E & Pierik , M J 2015 , ' Disease Outcome of Ulcerative Colitis in an Era of Changing Treatment Strategies: Results from the Dutch Population-based IBDSL Cohort ' , Journal of Crohn's & Colitis , vol. 9 , no. 10 , pp. 837-845 . https://doi.org/10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjv129;
Veröffentlicht in: Jeuring , S F G , Bours , P H A , Zeegers , M P , Ambergen , T W , van den Heuvel , T R A , Romberg-Camps , M J L , van Bodegraven , A A , Oostenburg , L E , Breukink , S O , Stassen , L P S , Hameeteman , W H , Masclee , A A M , Jonkers , D M A E & Pierik , M J 2015 , ' Disease Outcome of Ulcerative Colitis in an Era of Changing Treatment Strategies: Results from the Dutch Population-based IBDSL Cohort ' , Journal of Crohn's & Colitis , vol. 9 , no. 10 , pp. 837-845 . https://doi.org/10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjv129;
mens en natuur in de Vijfheerenlanden ; 25 jaar Natuur- en Vogelwacht De Vijfheerenlanden