Another one BITes the dust : the distance between Luxembourg and the world is growing after Achmea
Interview with Professor Etienne Durt: “50 years of a belgian in Peru: Etienne Durt a peruvian of heart and reason” ; Entrevista al profesor Etienne Durt: “50 años de un belga en e...
El convenio bilateral de desarrollo sostenible entre Costa Rica y el Reino de los Países Bajos: un modelo alternativo de cooperación para el desarrollo
Incentives and barriers for R&D-based SMEs to participate in European research programs: An empirical assessment for the Netherlands
Water for food and ecosystems
Institutional strengthening in Egyptian development aid projects
Dutch Experience – a short-term exchange in Fontys University
Territorial Science Echo ... : Beschäftigung und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in der Großregion: differenzierte Wirtschaftsentwicklung und Wirkungen der grenzüberschreitenden Beschä...
Brazil, France, Belgium and Other Francophone Countries: Research Relations and Knowledge Building in Journalism
Gestion de l'identification des victimes lors de catastrophes majeures. L'expérience du Tsunami du 26 décembre 2004.