Ribkwallen (Ctenophora), schijfkwallen en medusevormende hydroïden (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa, Hydrozoa) te Zeebrugge, resultaten van 5 jaar waarnemingen (1999-2003)
Resilience of tropical, freshwater fish (Nematabramis everetti) populations to severe drought over a land-use gradient in Borneo
Exploring Parents' Everyday Experiences With Digital Media: Barriers and Opportunities for Digital Inclusion
"Zusammen machen": Gemeinsamkeit herstellen und Konflikte lösen. Beobachtungen aus der niederländischen Kleinkindbetreuung
Acorde sabanero : proyecto para la promoción de la música de los Montes de María ; Acorde sabanero
Contribution of adverse drug reactions to hospital admission of older patients
MEDUCATE trial: effectiveness of an intensive EDUCATional intervention for IT-mediated MEDication management in the outpatient clinic - study protocol for a cluster randomized cont...
How to make head or tail of "bridging" and "bonding"?: addressing the methodological ambiguity
L'appel du port. Recherche exploratoire pluridisciplinaire sur l'ambiance sonore de 5 ports européens : Anvers, Brest, Barcelone, Gênes, Marseille
Supporting data for faunal, biometric, age estimation, and stable isotope analyses.