LIM: An example of how the addition of edges affects the network structure and weights of other edges.
Example network.
Performance of optimization algorithms in six different network types.
Example education network of an anonymous municipality.
Performance of optimization algorithms in an network of education organizations of ± 250 nodes.
GLIM: Greedy algorithm for edge selection in LIM.
Computation time (sec) in different network types under budget k = 15.
Computation time of the different heuristics in a generated network and in the Education network.
Conflict of interest policies at Belgian medical faculties: cross-sectional study indicates little oversight
Factores determinantes en la evolución de la partida 0804502000, en el marco del TLC Perú-Unión Europea con destino a los Países Bajos en el periodo 2011 al 2017 ; Determining fact...