Chemical-physical parameters, major, minor and trace elements, dissolved gases, water and carbon isotopic composition of cold and thermal waters from the Sabatini and the Vicano-Ci...
Vittorio Emmanuele II, re d'Italia, ed i suoi 39 predecessori : ossia brevissima storia della dinastia sabauda /
Ernesto Genoni: Artist, Pacifist, Anthroposophist
Variation in the utilization of medical devices across Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands: a multilevel approach
Instructions for learning Italian in two earlymodern Dutch travel guides Delitiae Italiae (1602) and Delitiae Urbis Romae (1625)
PLOS One data ...
Bataille navale devant Messine entre les Hollandais, les Espagnols et les Français : [estampe]
Arrival declaration forms. A new gateway for mapping migration to Luxembourg
Transgender EU law : a review of Spanish, Italian, Belgian and Maltese trans law and its efficacy