Holandskijat ezikoved Nicolaas van Wijk (1880-1941) i prinosyt mu kym (staro)bylgaristikata (The Dutch linguist Nicolaas van Wijk (1880-1941) and his contribution to (Old)Bulgarian...
Repertorium of Middle Dutch Manuscripts to Preach in 1550
Commercial Diplomacy from Below: Dutch Baltic Merchants as an Economic Interest Group in Dutch-Swedish relations 1675-1688
The history of the SERV and of the social economic dialogue in Flanders
The prehistoric pottery from Melsele Hof ten Damme (East Flanders, BE)
A new Final Neolithic charcoal-rich pit feature and Mesolithic/ Neolithic artefacts from Outer-Stuypenberg (Ninove, East-Flanders, BE)
The idea of one university in Belgium/Flanders since 1814: 'one nation, one university, one rector'?
Reform, conflict, and the shaping of corporate identities: collected studies on Benedictine monasticism in medieval Flanders, c. 1050 – c. 1150
A multi-diciplinary palaeoenvironmental survey in the western Moervaart-depression (East Flanders, B)
Sex and the city: female domestic servants and the diffusion of fertility control in Flanders, 1830-1930