Multi-residue analysis of pharmaceuticals in Belgian surface water : a novel screening-to-quantification approach using large-volume injection liquid chromatography coupled to high...
Discovering pesticides and their TPs in Luxembourg waters using open cheminformatics approaches
Dataset of optical and biogeochemical properties of diverse Belgian inland and coastal waters
Dataset of optical and biogeochemical properties of diverse Belgian inland and coastal waters ...
Molecular diversity of Bacillus anthracis in the Netherlands: investigating the relationship to the wordwide population using whole-genome SNP discovery
Targeted screening by Orbitrap HRMS reveals the occurrence of pharmaceuticals, personal care products and pesticides in the Belgian Part of the North Sea
Ultrasound techniques used in Functional Morphological Hand Research, BioMed Institute and Jessa Hospital, University of Hasselt, Belgium.
High resolution in situ temperatures at 8m water depth across coral reef slopes at Iriomote-jima, Japan
High resolution in situ temperatures at 24m water depth across coral reef slopes at Iriomote-jima, Japan
High resolution in situ temperatures at 50m water depth across coral reef slopes at Iriomote-jima, Japan