Economics of young stock rearing decisions on Dutch dairy farms
Effect of supplementation on the performance of grazing Belgian Blue double-muscled heifers
Evaluatie van twee intensieve behandelingsschema's tegen Psoroptes ovis-schurft bij Belgisch witblauwe runderen op negen Vlaamse rundveebedrijven
Artificial neural networks simulation to define critical temperature of Fries Holland based on physiological responses
De herhaalbaarheid van bekkenmetingen van Belgisch Witblauwe runderen met de pelvimeter van Rice en de verschillen tussen deze metingen rond het afkalftijdstip
Selenium status in cattle herds in Wallonia (Belgium): overview and health management
Long term beef production in extensive cow-calf systems in the tropical savannas of eastern Colombia ; Producción continua de carne en sistemas extensivos de cría en las sabanas tr...
Efecto de la época sobre parámetros reproductivo en novillas de doble propósito en el estado Guárico ; Seasonal effect on reproductive parameters on dual-purpose heifers in Guárico...
Exploring the microbial composition of Holstein Friesian and Belgian Blue colostrum in relation to the transfer of passive immunity
Descriptive statistics on the selected herd performance indicators, indicating the distribution of herd averaged values across herds and years (2007–2016).