An / Interview with prof. Veronika Čapská, Associate Professor at the Charles University in Prague and a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy...
Een liedeken van den slach van Blangijs : intertekstualiteit als sleutel tot de functie van een laatmiddeleeuws politiek lied
M. Stensland, Habsburg Communication in the Dutch Revolt (Jochen Führer)
Müller & Mehrkens (eds.), Sons and Heirs: Succession and Political Culture in Nineteenth-Century Europe (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016)
The Luxembourg Period (1310–1437) and its Habsburg Epilogue (1438–1457) in the Bohemian Crown From the Silesian Perspective. Few Generalization on the 666 Th Anniversary of the Imp...
The Town and the Widow: The Journey of Elisabeth of Luxembourg to Pozsony
Three Alba Amicorum from the Habsburg Netherlands
« Par bon avis et délibération de conseil » : écoute et décision politique chez les princes bourguignons et habsbourgeois dans les Pays-Bas (XVe-XVIe s.)
Forging Cultural Universes in the Mediterranean Renaissance: Altarpieces in Sardinia, Prints by Raphael, and Connections with the Flemish and Spanish Worlds
From the Netherlands to Castile. From archduchess to princess. The sea voyage of Margaret of Austria (1497) ; De los Países Bajos a Castilla. De archiduquesa a princesa. El viaje p...