Education for the 21st century. Commonalities and diversities. Triannual Network conference, Stockholm, Sweden, June 13 - 15, 1996
Press communique & manifesto ; Press communique and manifesto; Liaison Group of National Anti-Apartheid Movements in the countries of the European Community; Press communique
Rudolf Lassahn/Birgit Ofenbach (Hrsg.): Bildung in Europa. Frankfurt a. M./Bern: Lang 1993. 162 S. [.] [Sammelrezension]
Global monthly catch of tuna and tuna-like species (1952-01-01 - 2019-12-31) by purse seiners and pole-and-liners in the Indian, Atlantic and Eastern Pacific oceans aggregated by s...
World Conference on sanctions against racist South Africa, UNESCO House, Paris, 16-20 June 1986 : background material, speeches & research reports ; Background material, speech...
Global annual catch of tuna,tuna-like and shark species (1918-01-01 - 2019-12-31) (FIRMS level 0) ...
Global annual catch of tuna,tuna-like and shark species (1918-01-01 - 2019-12-31) (FIRMS level 0)
Global monthly catch of tuna and tuna-like species (1950-01-01 - 2019-12-31) aggregated by statistical squares of 5° longitude and latitude (FIRMS level 0)
Global monthly catch of tuna and tuna-like species (1950-01-01 - 2019-12-31) aggregated by statistical squares of 1° or 5° longitude and latitude (FIRMS level 0)