The Autobiography of Sergeant William Lawrence A Hero of the Peninsular and Waterloo Campaigns
The English Journal of Education
Gnädigste Declaration. Seiner Königl. Majest. In Gross-Britanien. Die Unterthanen der vereinigten Niederlande zu vermogen [His Majesty’s gracious declaration to encourage the subje...
Memoire presenté à Messieurs les Éstats Generaux par Monsieur le marquis d'Albyville, envoyé extraordinaire du Roy de la Grand Bretagne.
Englands valor, and Hollands terrour: being an encouragement for seamen and souldiers to serve his Majesty in his wars against the Dutch, &c. Dutchmen beware, we have a fleet ....
The memoirs of John Ker, of Kersland in North Britain, Esq : containing his secret transactions and negotiations in Scotland, England, the courts of Vienna, Hanover and other forei...
A translation of the sixth book of Mr. Cowley's Plantarum being a poem upon the late rebellion, the happy restoration of His Sacred Majesty, and the Dutch war ensuing. ; Plantarum...
One broad-side more for the Dutch: or, The Belgick lion couchant.
Nordmaends Udvandringer til Holland og England i nyere Tid : et Bidrag til vor Søfarts Historie
Political arithmetick, : or a discourse concerning, the extent and value of lands, people, buildings . &c. As the same relates to every country in general, but more particularl...