Estimation des effets du gène culard sur les caractères de production laitière au sein du rameau Blanc Bleu Belge de type mixte ; Estimation of double muscling gene effects on milk...
Possibilite d'amelioration de la selection BBB oar l'utilisation d'un modele animal multi caractere et d'un index global pour evaluer les taureaus du CSB? ; Improving the selection...
Longitudinal effects of muscular hypertrophy allele on milk production traits during the lactation using a novel equivalent model when molecular information is limited
Genetic evaluation considering phenotypic data and limited molecular information using a novel equivalent model: Case study using effect of the mh locus on milk production in the d...
Use of multiple-trait animal models for genetic evaluation of milk, fat and protein lactation yields of dairy cattle in Belgium ; Utilisation d’un modèle animal multi-caractère pou...
Feasibility of a Walloon test-day model and study of its potential as tool for selection and management
Système d’évaluation génétique des verrats Piétrain en croisement en Wallonie
Effect of the milk recording time on the genetic parameters of milk production and mid-infrared milk components in Luxembourg dairy cattle
Integration of foreign breeding values for stallions into the Belgian genetic evaluation for jumping horses
Definition of a modern breeding goal in Belgian Blue cattle