How Do We Live Together During a Lockdown in Belgium? Study of Couple and Parental Satisfaction
Maternal Depression During Pregnancy: about distress and coping in a 290 Belgian and French Sample
Smoking trajectories and psychological characteristics among Belgian pregnant women
Messiaen, M., Sohet, E., Wagener, A., Culot, S. et Gaugue, J. (2024). La réalité virtuelle comme outil de relaxation pendant la grossesse [Poster Presentation]. Congrès RUCHE, ULiè...
Les services d’accompagnement périnatal de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles – Belgique francophone. Une réponse aux besoins des familles précarisées centrée sur les liens affectifs...
Intimate Relationships in Times of COVID-19: A Descriptive Study of Belgian Partners and their Perceived Well-Being
Intimate relationships in times of COVID-19 : a descriptive study of Belgian partners and their perceived well-being